Celebrating International Non-Binary Day: Why Non-Binary Visibility Matters

In a world that is quick to put people into boxes, it can be hard to find your place if you don’t fit into the standard gender binary. This is why International Non-Binary Day, celebrated around the world every year on July 14th, is so important. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the non-binary community and to fighting for the rights of non-binary individuals. With non-binary identities under attack in multiple states, it is crucial to remind young LGBTQ people that their identities are valid – and worth fighting for.


What does “non-binary” mean?

“Non-binary” is an umbrella term used to describe people who do not identify exclusively as male or female. Some non-binary people identify as a mix of male and female, while others identify as neither. Some non-binary people use gender-neutral pronouns such as “they/them,” while others prefer to use no pronouns at all. What all non-binary people have in common is a rejection of the gender binary and a desire to create space for people who don’t fit into a traditional male/female dichotomy.

Why does non-binary visibility matter?

The world can be a difficult place for non-binary people. Society is set up to assume that everyone fits into either a male or female box, and non-binary people are often excluded or marginalized as a result. Non-binary people may struggle with finding gender-neutral restrooms, dealing with misgendering from others, or finding clothing that matches their identity. Visibility matters because it opens up space for non-binary people to exist and be respected in the world. It also helps to educate cisgender (meaning, not transgender) people about the diversity of gender identities and experiences that exist.

How can you support non-binary people?

One of the best ways to support members of the non-binary community is to educate yourself on transgender and non-binary issues. Use correct pronouns and names for individuals, and never assume someone’s gender based on appearance. When possible, try to create gender-neutral spaces that are inclusive of all people, regardless of their gender identity. To support non-binary youth, consider donating to organizations like the Skipping Stone which work to support LGBTQ young people and educate schools and communities about gender and sexuality diversity.

Celebrating International Non-Binary Day is just one small step in the fight for transgender and non-binary rights, but it is an important one. On this day, we can stand in solidarity with non-binary people around the world, and work to create a more inclusive and accepting society for all gender identities. By educating ourselves and our communities, we can help to lift up non-binary voices and fight back against the discrimination and marginalization that they face. So on this July 14th, let’s all come together to celebrate non-binary visibility and work for a more just and equitable world.

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