Be the Leader your Boss Needs

The idea of “managing up” is becoming more popular, but it is often viewed negatively as somehow being manipulative, or involving flattery or inauthentic networking. Many individuals believe that effectively managing their boss is impossible, but also recognize the benefits of being able to work well with them – perhaps even despite them.


At Precipice we see it differently. Managing up is the practice of developing a strong relationship with one’s boss, and working together to accomplish goals. It involves communication, listening, respect, and understanding. This practice also includes understanding your Boss’s values, goals, preferences, and expectations, and proactively taking steps to meet them by establishing trust and building a positive relationship.


The concept of “managing up” is about two things:

  1. To be clear about what you can control (only yourself!), what you can achieve through relationships with others (your circle of influence), and what is completely out of your control (your circle of concern). Those who “manage up” take full responsibility for creating a strong relationship with their leaders. This includes being empathetic to their Boss’ perspectives and providing them with honest feedback. When employees need a specific kind of relationship to be successful, they take the initiative to create it instead of waiting for their Boss to do it. Just because you are the “Boss” does not necessarily mean that you have the innate ability to understand people’s needs or know how to effectively address them. Most Bosses are promoted because they know how to do your job well, not because of their leadership skills.

2. Improving the likelihood of being heard by advocating for yourself effectively. To begin, you must identify your needs, values, goals, and aspirations. Then, use your knowledge of your leaders’ needs, values, goals, and aspirations to approach the conversation with curiosity and empathy. When you make sure to understand and listen to your leader first, it can improve the likelihood of being heard yourself. This may increase their openness and trust towards you, and increase the chances of them listening to you.


We have observed that many formal leaders are facing complexity, feeling overwhelmed and alone, and struggling with imposter syndrome. While it’s no excuse, this is the reality for many leaders. Instead of waiting for them to approach you, you can take the initiative to build the necessary relationships. Even though “leaders go first” in an ideal scenario, you can steer the situation and create the outcome you desire.


At Precipice, when we say leadership is a choice, we mean that anyone is capable of being a leader regardless of their position or role in a formal hierarchy. You don’t have to wait for someone to grant you formal authority to build the relationships you want and need, you already have it within yourself. You can take charge and be a leader in your way. In actuality, the concept of “managing up” involves first managing yourself – your most influential stakeholder.


At Precipice, we teach three important skills for successful leadership: inquiry, listening, and advocacy. Mastering these skills is essential. Ask us about a new program we’re working on that’s focused on leading without formal authority.

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