The Changing Face of Leadership Development

Leadership is more important than ever before.

I believe that we need leaders to shift how they lead. This may be an understatement for some readers. This summer I’ve been asking myself, how can I contribute to this shift with even more gravity?

If I think that leaders need to shift then I need to shift first.

What’s within my control? My mindset, where I put my attention, and how I approach my work. To achieve a grand vision of shifting leadership globally, I need to shift how I support and create leadership development and learning.


Let’s recap. Leaders used to be able to give commands and everyone would comply. A commanding leadership style meant giving orders, expecting immediate compliance without context, controlling the situation tightly, and providing punishment if employees failed to deliver. According to Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee (2001), this style of leadership is only acceptable in a few instances such as for brand-new people who need clear direction and emergency situations. And this style only creates harmony if the leader can empathize with others and is aware and in control of their emotions. That’s a big ‘if’. Being fully aware of our emotions is easy to say and understand but very challenging to do.


The world has changed and the old way of doing things no longer works. The world is one of complexity, uncertainty, and continuous change where collaboration and compassion are key. Rapid changes and crises in our world have made it essential for leaders to build connection, commitment, courage, and a sense of purpose in their teams and themselves quickly. Leaders need to be creative and change their approach based on the ever-changing environment, situation, and person.

And, the concept of “Leadership” itself is on the edge of Precipice.

As organizations seek to reimagine the future, keep up, do more with less and retain talent, leadership isn’t about a role or position, person, or thing you get. It’s bigger than that.
  1. Leadership is a choice.
  2. It’s a verb, not a noun.
  3. We can choose to lead from any position.
  4. We can also choose not to lead despite having the title of “CEO”.
  5. Development needs to expand beyond traditional hierarchies and limitations of direct reports.

Leaders need to be different and so does how we develop leaders.

I can’t command and control development and learning by delivering heavy slide decks full of knowledge and expect to ‘tell’ leaders how to lead. Information on leadership development theory, best practice, and advice is everywhere. My leadership style has to shift along with the world. This means hosting conversations, not as an expert, but as a curious guide who wants to create a space for courage, connection, celebration, and commitment. I have always favoured spirited, grass-roots movements, and what could be more “bottom-up” than focusing on what is available to all of us – conversation and connection.

With traditional approaches to development, I always regret the lack of time for in-depth exploration and conversation, even if the material is excellent. In each conversation I’ve hosted throughout all programs I’ve delivered, there’s loads of knowledge to be found by listening to the learners.

There’s loads of knowledge in every learner and incredible stories. Working with cancer patients and families in healthcare, I learned that every person has a life-changing story. Stories engage the heart, teach us how to be human, and create the momentum for change. We simply need to slow down so that we have space to share them with each other.

The ability to have more room and time to harvest the wisdom in the room has been a long-standing desire of mine. It’s not easy to put away the ego and instant gratification that comes with dumping tons of fancy knowledge on others. I am passionate about supporting skill development to succeed in today’s uncertain world and learning how to evolve in constantly changing environments.

I am ready to jump, how about you?

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